August 2023 TODCO Newsletter


Happy Wednesday! 👋😃

Welcome to the latest edition of the TODCO monthly email newsletter! As we embrace the current month of August, we are excited to share a thoughtfully curated assortment of insights, updates, and resources to keep you in the know with our organization. In this month’s installment of our monthly email newsletter we will cover the following…

  1. The 24th St BART Plaza Mural Restoration

  2. Updated TODCO Events & Activities Calendars

  3. San Francisco Examiner Article ➡️ TODCO’s South of Market Tenants: It’s Their Home!

  4. Video Highlight ⏯️ Raising A Family On The Job: Stories From The TODCO Family

  5. “All In For The Kids Back To School Giveaway” Recap

  6. TODCO History Spotlight

  7. Photos from our July birthday lunch celebration for all TODCO employees with birthdays during that month

☕️ Your monthly dose of all things TODCO awaits!

Best regards,

The TODCO Team


Michael Rios and associates have officially began work on the mural’s three week full restoration process sponsored by the Calle 24 Latino Cultural District, coordinated by Precita Eyes Muralists, and funded by a $140,000 grant from the TODCO Group. Rios, now 75 years old and TODCO’s Artist In Residence, was first inspired as a young Latino artist by the great muralists of Mexico, Rivera, Orozco, and Siqueiros. In 1974 he brought his vision for the Mission neighborhood’s new BART station plaza to San Francisco Arts Commission President Ray Taliaferro, and with logistical support from the Commission and a $7,500 grant from the National Endowment For The Arts Michael and his two colleagues completed the work. “I wanted to show that without the workers, the people of community whose work supported it, just like the concrete pillars holding up its elevated tracks, BART could never have been possible.” Erik Arguello, President of the Calle 24 Latino Cultural District describes the mural’s significance to the Mission community. “The Bart Mural illuminates the indomitable spirit of our people, capturing our unwavering determination and the pivotal role we play within the entire San Francisco Bay Area. The mural depicts the struggle and resilience of our workers and our community as a testament to our unwavering strength and perseverance.”

The mural process is projected to take anywhere from 3-5 weeks, so we will be sure post regular updates along the way to keep you in the loop!

Photo Credit: Kerim Harmanci from our very own 6th On 7th Photography Workshop.

Artists In Photos: Michael Rios, Carlos Kookie Gonzalez, Lucia Gonzalez Ippolito, Suaro Cervantes


1,150 tenants (and an unknown number of pet dogs and cats) live in the TODCO Group’s eight SOMA SRO and senior residences today, a microcosm of the Central City. 746 are elder residents, 62 years or older, of TODCO’s four Yerba Buena Neighborhood apartment houses, including Mendelsohn House (winner of a 1991 American Institute of Architects national Honor Award). 39 live in TODCO’s one family residence designed for those living with physical disabilities, the Leland Apartments (winner of a national Fannie Mae 2000 Maxwell Award of Excellence). 361 live in TODCO’s three Sixth Street Neighborhood SRO’s. 51% of the total are Chinese-Americans, nearly all elderly immigrants. The other half are divided among African-American, Filipino, Latino, and White heritages…


As a boy of twelve children growing up in the Philippines, Willie Abasta, the South of Market TODCO Group’s Senior Property Manager, overheard many stories about the United States from friends and family. They described a life that seemed idyllic compared to his own. And he determined that he too would one day live in America…[read more]

All In For The Kids Back To School Giveaway Recap

All In SF had yet another great turn out for their 9th Annual “All In For The Kids Back To School Giveaway”. They provided free haircuts, free food, arts & crafts, and much more!

We are honored here at TODCO to have been given the opportunity to support such a great event for a 5th year in a row. 🤝

TODCO History Spotlight

The idea of neighborhood-based housing development organizations – instead of public housing and charity groups – was new. TODCO was one of San Francisco’s first “community-based housing development corporation.”

🥳 TODCO Employee Birthday Lunch Appreciation 🎂


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